Arabian Sea Low Off Saurashtra Coast By June 16

JUNE 10, 2017, SATURDAY 

Monsoon has already reached Goa and is preparing to hit hard at its next targets: Konkan and North Bengal.

The Bay of Bengal low pressure area will cross the Bangladesh coast by morning of June 12, Monday. Very heavy expected in the country from tomorrow itself. But the system may fizzle out in northern Bangladesh or in Assam, so it will bring heavy flooding rains to entire Indian north eastern states and will push monsoon into sub Himalayan West Bengal only. After that monsoon will lose steam. Bihar will have to wait.

The real action is going to happen in the Konkan region of Maharashtra. After Goa, monsoon is going hammer and tongs at Konkan. Very heavy rains expected in this region from Monday. Monsoon will arrive in Mumbai too.

But the real game changer may turn out to be an Arabian Sea low pressure system that may rise near the Dwarka coast of Saurashtra, in Gujarat state on June 16. It will start off as an cyclonic circulation off the Konkan coast by Monday then move to the seas off Saurashtra by 16, intensifying into a low.

Where it will go is not known now. It may drench Gujarat. It may move into Pakistan and drench it. It may move towards Oman. Or it may fizzle out mid sea.

This system is going to be a game changer.

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