Typhoon GONI Will Hit South Korea August 25, 2015

Typhoon Goni which is dangerously hovering in the West Pacific will turn into a very powerful cyclone and is expected to Hit South Korea on August 25, 2015. It will pass close by Luzon in Philippines and Taiwan soon.

Typhoon Goni Track forecast Pacific Ocean August 2015 South Korea
Typhoon Goni track forecast. It is likely to hit South Korea on August 25, 2015

The Western Pacific Ocean has spawned two powerful typhoons simultaneously, which is surprising. If forecasts are to be believed both Goni and Atsani are headed to super typhoon-dom. 

Soon to be super cyclone Atsani is not so worrying as it will mainly traverse uninhabited areas and may threaten central Japan On August 23, 2015. Our prediction is Tokyo is safe as Atsani will swing away back into the ocean without hitting Japan.

But Typhoon Goni is going to give many countries cause to worry. After passing Guam it is intensifying and the Joint Typhoon Warning Center says it will reach wind speeds of 220 km/h on August 21, when it will pass by Luzon in Philippines. Only the periphery of the storm will touch northern Philippines.

After that typhoon Goni will move north and intensify. It is possible it may become a super typhoon as the warm waters of the East China Sea gives it extra vigor.

It will move past Taiwan on August 22, but at a safe distance. Eastern coast of the country will experience stormy rain and winds as Goni passes by.

On August 25, 2015 it will moves through western Kyushu Island of Japan and then enter South Korea. It will weaken a little before landfall.

The provinces of South Jeolla and South Gyoengsong of South Korea will be the worst hit.

See the storm live at CYCLONE TRACKER

Typhoon Goni Atsani water vapor satellite image west pacific ocean
Water vapor satellite image of the West Pacific Ocean showing Typhoon Goni and Atsani.

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