HAGUPIT in Philippines: A Pictorial

Deecember 7, 2014. Hagupit lashes the shores of Legazpi city

Hagupit approaches Manila City

December 7, 2014. Tacloban, Philippines after Hagupit typhoon battered the city

Sandbag barrier set up on the Manila city beaches as Hagupit arrives

 Typhoon Ruby's winds begin pounding Capiz province early Sunday morning, affecting establishments including this hospital in Roxas City

Mud flows from Mayon Volcano flow down and covered roads in Barangay Maipon in Guiobatan town in Albay as Typhoon Ruby dumps rain in Bicol region

Borongon City flooded after Hagupit passed through it.

December 7, 2014. Legazpi as typhoon Hagupit strikes

Legazpi again

The sea turns wild at Borongon City, Philippines as Hagupit typhoon strikes

Storm surge: Sea water enters land

The path of typhoon Hagupit through Philippines, 2014

Flooding in Borongon city

Haiyan effect. 2013. The super typhoon had left thousands dead

Relief supplies about to be sent. A relief center south of Manila.

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