3 Circulations That Will Galvanise Monsoon Into Action

JUNE 23, 2017, FRIDAY

In the coming days three upper air cyclonic circulations, two in the Bay of Bengal, one in the Arabian Sea, are going to kickstart monsoon in the country, which is running 10 days behind schedule.

One of them has already formed. An upper air cyclonic circulation in northern Bay of Bengal. In the next 2-3 days it is going cross the coast into Andhra Pradesh, then move through northern Rayalseema, southern Telangana, onto Maharashtra and by June 27 end up in western Madhya Pradesh.

The second may form off the Saurashtra coast around June 27. It will curve around the coast move into Kutch and then onto southern Rajasthan by month end. This will bring heavy rains to Saurashtra, Kutch, parts of Gujarat region, southern Rajasthan and parts of Sindh in Pakistan.

Though some forecast models say it might drift to northern Oman.

The third is expected to form on June 30-July 1 off the Andhra Pradesh coast. Where it will go remains to be seen.

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