Latest Forecasted Track Of Tropical Storm "Keila" (In Images)

Here is the predicted track of the tropical storm "Keila" which is a low pressure area presently in the Arabian Sea off the coast of Maharashtra (India). It is expected to gain strength on Wednesday, June 8, 2011 and move westward first then in a north-westerly direction. It will skim the Oman coast and hit Southern Iran on Saturday (June 11, 2011) late evening. Keila will turn into a big bad lady by the time she hits on Iran

  • Wind speed is also measured in knots. I Knot = 1.85 Kmph
  • UTC is Coordinated Universal Time, GMT is Greenwich Mean Time.
    Great Britain/United Kingdom is one hour ahead of UTC during summer.

Wednesday morning. June 8, 2011

Friday (June 10, 2011) morning

Saturday (June 11, 2011) night. Keila touches the coast of southern Iran
Sunday (June 12, 2011) morning Keila enters Iran. South-Western coast of Pakistan will be hit too. Port of Gwadar
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